[Hong Kong News, January 9, 2025] Chinese maritime environmentalprotection equipment and system provider - ContiOcean Environment Tech GroupCo., Ltd. (the “ContiOcean”or the “Group”, stock code: 2613), officially listed and commencedtrading on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the“Stock Exchange”) today, with each board lot of 100 shares.
CITIC Securities (Hong Kong) Limited andChina Galaxy International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Limitedare the joint sponsors, overall coordinators,joint global coordinators, joint bookrunners, and joint lead managers. BNP ParibasSecurities (Asia) Limited is the overall coordinator, joint global coordinator,joint bookrunner, and joint lead manager.
The Groupstated that as a leading enterprise focused on providing green environmentalsolutions for the global shipping industry, ContiOcean will uphold its mission of “enabling theeffective adoption ofgreen energy and protecting environment of the earth”, continue to adhere to technological innovation, expand its globalmaritime presence, and inject more green power into the shipping industry withgreater strength. The Groupanticipates leveraging the opportunity of listing to fully utilize the advantagesof the capital market platform under thepremise of strictly adhering to the Listing Rules, whileremaining true to its original aspirations and moving forward with perseverance to create greater valuefor shareholders and investors.
The netproceeds from the Global Offering are approximately HK$[273.4] million, of which 50% will be used for our R&D, 15% for potential mergersand acquisitions, 15% for leasing a production facility in Mainland China or Southeast Asia, 10%for establishing new service centers and upgrading existing ones, and 10% forworking capital and other generalcorporate purposes.
RegardingContiOcean Environment Tech Group Co., Ltd.
ContiOcean Environment TechGroup Co., Ltd. (the “ContiOcean” or the “Group”, stock code: 2613.HK) wasestablished in Shanghai in 2017, and has developed to a group of 9 subsidiariesin China and overseas. We have a suite of maritime environmental protectionequipment and systems, helping our customers to pursue more effective andsustainable business operations while meeting various requirements set by thelMO. The equipment and systems include marine exhaust gas cleaning systems,marine energy-saving devices, marine clean-energy supply systems and maritimeservices.