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ContiOcean successfully delivered its first (set of) ship waste heat recovery system, marking a new breakthrough in maritime energy conservation!


Recently, ContiOcean®Environment Tech Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as"ContiOcean") successfully delivered its first (set of) 7000PCTC shipwaste heat recovery system, adding new impetus to the green transformation ofthe marine industry! The system recovers waste heat generated during theoperation of the ship's main engine and converts it into electrical energy. Itcan effectively reduce energy consumption during ship operation and contributeto energy-saving and emission-reduction efforts in the shipping sector.

During the projectimplementation, the ContiOcean team fully considered the compact space of the ship'sengine room and customized the design based on the engine room layout. Byoptimizing the shape of the skid-mounted unit, they effectively resolved theissue of limited space in the engine room. In addition, the skid-mounted unitfeatures a detachable design, enabling disassembly for entry into the engineroom and assembly inside, which significantly reduces installation time andimproves construction efficiency.

The ship waste heat recoverysystem is one of the latest energy-saving devices- launched by ContiOcean. The system employs advanced ORC(Organic Rankine Cycle) technology to utilize waste heat sources from ships,including flue gas, jacket water, and air coolers. It drives a turbinegenerator through the evaporation and expansion of an organic working fluid,thereby converting waste heat into electricity.

The system consists of fourmajor components: heat source collection, working fluid evaporation, Vapor drive(onTurbine), and condensation and recirculation. Moreover, ContiOcean hasoptimized the overall system in multiple aspects based on ship usageconditions, making it with the following five core advantages:

High Energy Efficiency: The system uses ahigh-efficiency thermoelectric conversion turbine generator with highthermoelectric conversion efficiency and low electrical loss rate.

Stable and Reliable: Equipped with alubrication-free expansion turbine generator, the system significantly reducesmaintenance frequency.

CompactStructure: Skid-mounted design, with compact structure, easy installation,and is customizable according to the actual layout of the engine room to meetspace requirements.

EnvironmentallyFriendly: Uses environmentally friendly working fluid that isnon-flammable, non-toxic, and has a low boiling point, requiring only low-gradeheat sources above 75°C for power generation.

Intelligentand Efficient: Highly automated design with one-button start/stopfunction and support for data storage and playback.

The successful delivery of thefirst (set of) 7000PCTC ship waste heat recovery system marks anothersignificant breakthrough for ContiOcean in the field of ship energy-saving and carbonreduction. Looking ahead, ContiOcean will also continue to be committed toproviding maritime environmental protection equipment and system, and makepositive contributions to the protection of the marine environment.